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Less Is More

There are approximately 35,000 people under active parole supervision in New York State who at almost any time can see their efforts to successfully rejoin the workforce and reintegrate into their families and their communities disrupted by reincarceration for a technical violation. This not only harms individual lives and families without commensurate public safety gains, but also drives up the population in the state prisons and local jails, wasting taxpayer money. 

New York imprisons more people for non-criminal “technical” violations of parole like missing an appointment with a parole officer, being late for curfew, or testing positive for alcohol and other drugs than any state in the country. 

The Less Is More Act was passed by the New York legislature in June and on September 17, 2021, Governor Hochul signed the bill into law. Most provisions take effect March 1, 2022 and it will be fully implemented by July 2022, but there is a provision that allows for the full and immediate implementation of #LessIsMoreNY before the effective date. 

Less Mass Supervision = More Safety & Justice

Less Is More: Community
Supervision Revocation Reform Act

Developed by people on parole, people currently incarcerated, family members, Katal, Unchained, A Little Piece of Light,  Justice Lab at Columbia, A More Just NYC, Legal Aid, and more.



Incarceration would be eliminated as a sanction for most technical violations. Certain technical violations could still result in jail time, but it would be capped at a maximum of 30 days.


Rather than being automatically detained in local jails, people accused of a technical violation of parole would be issued a written notice of violation with a date to appear in court and would remain at liberty for any hearings.


Persons under community supervision shall be afforded a speedy adjudicatory hearing upon an alleged violation of their conditions of release. Hearings would be conducted within 30 days rather than taking up to 105 days.


People under community supervision would be eligible to earn a 30-day “earned time credits” reduction in their community supervision period for every 30-day period in which they do not violate a condition of supervision.

Voices of Coalition Members

By the Numbers


Of people on parole whom New York sent back to prison in 2018, over 5,780 or 66% were reincarcerated for technical violations.

2020 BJS Report


In 2017, nearly 1/3 of the new admissions to state prisons are due to people reincarcerated for technical violations of parole.   

2019 CSG Report


In 2018, 85% of people on parole who were reincarcerated were not convicted of a new crime. 

2020 BJS Report


The racial disparity is stark: In 2019, Black people were incarcerated
in New York City jails for technical parole violations at more than
12 times the rate of whites.

2020 Columbia Justice Lab Report 

Take Action

The Less Is More: Community Supervision Revocation Reform Act (S1144A/A5576A) passed the New York State Senate and Assembly in June 2021 and was signed into law by Governor Hochul in September 2021.  We need you to contact Governor Hochul to ensure that she fully and effectively implements the #LessIsMoreNY Act.

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On Friday, September 17th, Governor Kathy Hochul signed the #LessIsMoreNY Act into law. Less Is More is perhaps the most significant parole reform in the country to date – its impact will be enormous.